Voiceworks Online Digital Writing Jam


Voiceworks always love to receive work from writers who have never made something digital before, and from digital artists who have never made something ‘literary’ before! To help you try something new, we’re running our first ever writing jam from September 19–September 27, themed ‘In Touch’.

The Voiceworks Online Digital Writing Jam will feature:

  • daily creative exercises

  • technical experts available to answer qns

  • new friends and colleagues

What is a jam?

Historically speaking, a jam (usually a game jam) is an event that combines the free-flow experimentation of a music jam, with the focus and direction employed when developing a tangible piece of art (usually a video game). It's basically a shared space where you're free to play around with different digital technologies and build out your own interactive stories/articles/comics/whatever you want!

Who can participate?

While Voiceworks only publish writers under 25 living in (or with a connection to) Australia, this jam is open to anybody that’s interested in it. 

What can I do with the piece I create?

That depends! If you are in Voiceworks’ publishing demographic (under 25, connection to Australia), you could submit your piece for our upcoming issue. If not, we’ve got a list of other journals that publish exciting digital work that we’ll be sharing during the jam. That said, you don’t have to have fancy publisher to share your piece with the world. Platforms like itch.io are also great ways to publish digitally experimental work.

Theme: In Touch

Keep in touch. Don’t touch me, your hand is a vector and a vector is direction and magnitude and exponential growth is up and out and up again. A bat is going viral, the world is gathering dust. The world wide web with a spider in the middle. There is a hamster dancing beneath your foot, there is your foot hovering over the web crawler, there is the web crawler rolling on the floor laughing. Rolling and scrolling and I’m never gonna give you up, never gonna let you down. Watch out! There are hot singles in your area! They’re swarming like millennium bugs. They’re going viral. Ceiling cat is watching you. Or maybe I’m out of touch, you’re out of time, I’m out of my head when you’re not around. Out of my head and into the matrix and your body is code for something, a card reader or a palm reader and here is the love line. He’s offline. Dial up. Brrrr wzzzzz and hi! I’m clippy, it looks like you’re trying to write a letter. Are you losing touch? Touching is feeling is a hand on a page on a book in your hand on a screen, the warmth of your finger dissolving into 10101011 and into the wified air and i’m ok. hru?

~Thanks to EdCommers Carly Stone and Pip Grylls for the blurb~