Ex-stream-ly Online: exploring Express Media’s Toolkits program

The seemingly endless creative possibilities presented by new tools for digital storytelling can feel overwhelming – which is why Express Media introduced Toolkits: Digital Storytelling to their online mentoring program this year.

In partnership with the Digital Writers Festival, Toolkits: Poetry alum and Voiceworks Online editor Rory Green spoke to Riley Hammond, a participant in the inaugural Toolkits: Digital Storytelling program, about the potential of new storytelling platforms and the value of bridging geographic barriers through digital space.

This piece is best viewed on desktop.

Rory Green (24) is a writer and editor living in Sydney. They have previously worked with Subbed In and National Young Writers Festival to produce events for emerging writers, and are currently an online editor for Voiceworks. They are currently writing a poem for every Pokémon via Otherwise Pokedex, an irregular Tinyletter.